Christmas Pageant
Sunday December 13
Sunday December 13
Livewire: December 2020
Livewire November
Livewire September 2020
August 2020 Livewire Newsletter
Come celebrate the risen Christ with us on Easter Sunday, April 21st. Come at 10:00 a.m. for the best Easter breakfast in town and stay for worship at 11:00 a.m. There will be a children’s message and crafts, uplifting message, prayer and lots of festive music! Everyone is welcome and invite. No exceptions!
God is love. Love is God. Whenever you feel love that is God. Whenever you show love to someone else, God is there and you are showing that person that God loves them too. When you give a Valentine to someone, you are showing them love. Because God is Love, you are also showing them …
The Secret to living a long lifeā¦ This winter has been pretty warm so far, but January can often be a long cold month here in Duluth. What keeps you going during the short days and long nights? What puts a smile on your face and warms your heart? Are you doing the things you …
Friday, December 28, 2018 To our Global LGBTQ Kin in Christ, The Council of Bishops of The United Methodist Church recognizes the ways in which the convening of the Special Session of General Conference creates a time and space of harm for you and members of your family. To be the focus of attention, discussion …