CHRISTMAS POINSETTIAS The last day to order poinsettias is Sunday, December 9th. The cost of the poinsettia is $11.00. Please pre-pay when ordering. There is a sign-up sheet in the Fellowship Hall. Thank you for helping us decorate the sanctuary with beautiful poinsettias for Christmas.

Mission Project

During the month of December, Hillside is once again collecting unwrapped toys for the Union Gospel Mission. Toys can be placed on the table in the fellowship hall. Thank you for generously supporting our mission projects!


LET’S GO CAROLING! Wednesday, December 19 6:30-7:30pm Viewcrest Health Center -3111 Church Place Everyone, all ages, are invited to come Christmas caroling! We will wander the halls at Viewcrest Health Center and sing carols to the residents there. Pastor Cynthia will have her guitar and song sheets to hand out. We are also inviting our …

December Worship

DECEMBER WORSHIP This Advent and Christmas season we hope you can join us for Sunday morning worship. You don’t want to miss a Sunday! Every Sunday, the choir will sing and we will have traditional carols. Invite your friends and family this season. You never know when someone might be looking for a church family …

Church-Wide Mission Projects

Church-Wide Mission Projects for November and December As you know, UMW has, for years, taken on a monthly mission project. The decision was made last year to turn the mission projects for November and December into CHURCH-WIDE projects. Carrying on the tradition that Don Olson started, once again, we will be collecting new or gently …

Happy Birthday

Please Join Us In Wishing These Hillside Friends A Very Happy NOVEMBER Birthday! Nov. 4 Chris Durfee Nov. 8 DeWayne Hendrickson Nov. 16 Vi Lyness Next month: Please join us for cake and goodies on Saturday, December 8th, from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. to celebrate the 90th birthday of Rod Olson. We will be gathering at …

Mary Circle

The UMW Mary Circle will have their monthly meeting on Thursday, November 8th at 10:30 am in the Fellowship Hall. The church-wide mission for the month is warm hats and mittens for the Union Gospel Mission. Please place your donations on the table in the Fellowship Hall. If you are interested in Mary Circle or …