Pumpkin and Pecan Pie Sale

UMW Pumpkin and Pecan Pie Sale Sunday, November 18th (before worship) Our Hillside UMW will prepare delicious pumpkin pies for $10.00 each and pecan pies for $11.00 each. Please Pre-order by Wednesday, November 14th (There is a sign-up sheet in the Fellowship Hall) Pie baking will take place on Saturday, November 17th. If you would …


  Believe it or not, it’s that time again! Although Christmas is still 8 weeks away, the time to order those beautiful poinsettias that decorate our sanctuary every year is upon us. The cost of the poinsettias will again be $11.00. You must prepay for your poinsettia. There is a sign-up sheet in the Fellowship …


  You won’t want to miss Commitment Sunday on November 11th. In the Stewardship packet you received, there is a commitment card. Please bring or send it to the church by Nov. 11th where we will have a special time of dedication during the service. It is also a time of celebration and thanks to …

Hillside Book Club

Hillside’s Book Club will meet again on Tuesday November 13 at 7:00 pm at church. They will be discussing the book “The Museum of Extraordinary Things” by Alice Hoffman. The book is available in the Hillside upstairs meeting room (bookbag). If you would like to know more about book club, please contact Sandra Wilmot at 348-2712

CHUM Fall Assembly

November 13 6:30 – 8:15 p.m. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church 1710 E. Superior St. Theme: Legislative and Gubernatorial Advocacy

Hanging of the Greens

On Sunday November 25th, we will hold a service of preparation for Christ’s coming, which includes hanging greenery traditionally associated with everlasting life. Greens such as cedar for royalty, fir and pine boughs for everlasting life, holly symbolizing Jesus’ death and ivy representing the resurrection will be used. We will have scripture and other readings during …

Interfaith Thanksgiving Service

Everyone is invited to the annual Interfaith Thanksgiving Service at First United Methodist Church on Tuesday, November 20th at 7pm. This meaningful and inclusive service involves about 10 area faith communities. Several choirs from these faith communities sing an anthem and we always end the service with a mass choir anthem. Our Hillside choir will …

Dementia Friendly Worship Service

DEMENTIA FRIENDLY WORSHIP SERVICE November 18th ~ 11:00am The first of what may become a regular monthly dementia-friendly service at Hillside will be held on Sunday, November 18th.The 30-minute Thanksgiving-themed service will feature familiar hymns and scripture readings, prayer, and communion. Fellowship will be held as usual prior to the 11:00am service. The changes you’ll …

All Saints Sunday

All Saints Day is an opportunity to give thanks for all those who have gone before us in the faith. From the early days of Christianity, there is a sense that the Church consists of not only all living believers, but also all who have gone before us. For example, in Hebrews 12 the author …


Hillside is a church family. This has been so evident recently in all our services, activities, and fellow- ship we’ve shared. We take care of each other when a loved one dies or someone has surgery and needs a little help. We have a visiting team that visits our homebound members. We send cards and …