Hillside is a church family. This has been so evident recently in all our services, activities, and fellow-
ship we’ve shared. We take care of each other when a loved one dies or someone has surgery and
needs a little help. We have a visiting team that visits our homebound members. We send cards
and call each other just to check in. We serve our community together as well! National Night Out,
meatball dinner, plant sale, apple pies, donations to CHUM and Myers-Wilkens, and meals to Loaves
and Fishes are just to name a few! Our worship on Sunday mornings have been uplifting and rich as
we connect with God, each other, and our inner selves more deeply.

Families are committed to each other. So our church family can continue this journey together, we
need to make commitments to share our faith with others, to pray for God’s spirit to inspire us and
guide us, to serve others and each other, and to give and use our resources to expand God’s mission
through our church.

This fall, our stewardship series titled: HILLSIDE. COMMITTED. GROWING… will
allow us to explore all that it means to be good stewards. Stewardship begins with living a Christian
life and faith every day. It includes, but is not just about pledging money to the church. Stewardship
includes the use of our time and natural resources as well as finances. It is the essence of Christian living and the core of
our being. Friends, as we explore what it means to be good stewards, we invite you to dive deep into all that God has for us, both
individually and as a congregation. We invite you to look at all the material in the packet you picked up at church or was
sent to you in the mail. Please prayerfully consider in what ways God is calling you to commit to your church family.